Gästeliste / Guest List

Die Gästeliste wird an der Energy Week @ ETH nicht ausgedruckt vorliegen. Anbei finden Sie das PDF mit der aktuellsten Gästeliste.

The guest list will not be available in printed form at the Energy Week @ ETH. Please find enclosed the PDF with the latest guest list.


The Energy Week @ ETH 2023 is kindly supported by:

Media Partner:

energate messenger Schweiz


ETH Zurich
Energy Science Center (ESC)
Sonneggstrasse 28
8006 Zurich, Switzerland
Note about Photography

Visitors should note that audio recordings, photographs, films or video recordings of them in person may be made throughout the duration of the event or in connection with it, and they agree that such material may be used without financial compensation and/or without restrictions as to time or place.